Expression of Interest: Dasheen Plots in SORB

A plot of approximately 1,000m2 will be established for forty (40) farmers via funding from the SORB project on land made available by the farmer. 

Establishment of plot will follow a specific design and will incorporate:

-        Weed control;

-        Mechanical land preparation;

-        Planting material;

-        Establishment of propagules;

-        Fertilizer and pesticide resources;

-        Irrigation support;

-        Training on crop management.

Farmer must be within the SORB area and not an interloper of the land provided.  Requirements from a suitability criteria appraisal must be met for selection, and applicants are subjected to site visits.  Selected applicants will adhere to guidance by Ministry of Agriculture Land and Fisheries and conditions of the SORB Project.


The SORB project or its representatives will not be implicated or held responsible for any losses, accidents, legal interventions resulting from this initiative.

The Livelihoods contribution of the South Oropouche River Basin (SORB) project has identified Dasheen (Colocasia esculente) as a viable crop that that is adaptable to flooding and saturated soil conditions.  The resulting benefit from mitigation of agronomic risks due to the effects of climatic change is projected to enhance the sustainability of farmers’ income.

The SORB Project is committed to the establishment of forty (40) plots (approximately 1,000m2 each) of Dasheen on farmers’ holdings across the identified area.  Selected farmers will be identified by suitability criteria requirements, and the cost of plot establishment will be borne by the SORB Project.   

Interested persons from the SORB region are invited to apply for consideration as beneficiaries using the expression of interest form.