Community Stakeholders Meeting, December 12, 2024, Penal Secondary School>>>

Community Stakeholders Meeting, December 12, 2024, Penal Secondary School>>>

Request for Proposals - Development of a Coordination Mechanism for Watercourse Maintenance in the South Oropouche River Basin, Trinidad & Tobago

Request for Proposals for Consultancy Services - Development of a Manual for Floodproofing Infrastructure in the South Oropouche River Basin, Trinidad & Tobago

Multi-sectoral Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the South Oropouche River Basin (SORB) for Flood Relief Project

Request for Proposals - Development of a Coordination Mechanism for Watercourse Maintenance in the South Oropouche River Basin, Trinidad & Tobago

"Building Resilience Together: Safeguarding the South Oropouche River Basin"

Join our project to enhance the South Oropouche River Basin's resilience against flooding, sea level rise, and water deficits. With your support and participation, we believe that together, we can build a more resilient and sustainable future for the South Oropouche River Basin.

Meet the Farmers!

  • Farmer- Poodhai Lagoon

  • Farmers- SORB

  • Farmer- SORB

Inception Workshop Adaptation Funded Climate Change SORB Project

Inception Workshop, Debe Secondary School, September 13, 2023

Let's make a difference together, join our team today!

Let's make a difference together, join our team today!

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